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Updated Cranberry Study! Recruiting Females 18+

Updated Cranberry Juice Study Title

You may have heard about our latest cranberry juice study that focused on cranberry juice effects on the gut and vaginal microbiome of postmenopausal women (as well as their urinary metabolites). IRB# 19957.

We have since expanded our study to include females of 18 years of age or older! For those of you who wanted to participate but were not yet postmenopausal (not having a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months), you may now be eligible!

To see if you may qualify, please follow this link to our Qualtrics survey


Our researchers will be happy to connect with you and have you join in on the exciting investigation of cranberry juice!

Frequently Asked Questions/Comments:

  • Cranberry juice has so much sugar. I don’t want to drink that.
    • Our experimental beverages (cranberry juice and placebo) are low-calorie and low-sugar! They are not loaded with sugars as seen in grocery stores.
  • How much juice will I have to consume?
    • One 8 fluid ounce bottle a day (smaller than a standard water bottle).
  • Will I be compensated?
    • Yes. There is compensation in the form of gift card(s) from a select list of stores for your choosing for those who complete study arms.
  • What is the study like?
    • There are two study arms (15 days each) of drinking 1 of 2 experimental beverages (cranberry juice and placebo) per day. Between the study arms or dietary periods, there is a 15-day washout period where participants will not consume any cranberry experimental beverage (to allow a “reset” of the gut and vaginal microbiome).
    • This dietary study is double-blinded (neither researchers nor participants know which beverage is which) and placebo-controlled. It is a crossover as well in that participants will have consumed both beverages by the end of a full study (45 days).
    • Here is a figure of the study design (* = either cranberry juice or the placebo beverage):

Cranberry juice study design

    • Before and after each study arm, participants will provide three samples for the researchers: stool samples, vaginal swabs, and urine samples.
    • Participants will also complete short daily questionnaires about their diet for the duration of the study (45 days).
  • I’ve never done stool, vaginal swabs, and urine samples before.
    • That’s okay! During your first meeting with a researcher, the details are provided to you. We are here to guide you throughout the entire process and give you all the tools you need.
  • Can I eat or drink other cranberry foods or beverages?
    • No. We require that participants avoid other cranberry products because it could interfere with the aim of the study.
  • How long is the study?
    • 45 days total broken down into two 15-day dietary periods/study arms and one 15-day washout period.
  • This study was super easy! One of the easiest I’ve done. –previous participant
    • We are glad to know this and hope the same for all participants!
  • I will tell my friends about this. This didn’t take much of my time at all. –previous participant
    • We appreciate all feedback and welcome word of mouth about our study.

For more questions or concerns, please reach out to us at or 509-358-7612.