Project Overview: Sue Phelps and I conducted a systematic review of professional literature with a focus on exploring the librarian faculty relationship across the disciplines. We collected articles from twenty subject specific databases. The contents of the articles werecoded based on the Commitment –Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing and the specific elements of the theory allowed us to enumerate what is promoting or detracting from the relationship.
Poster Sessions:
Campbell, Nicole and Sue F. Phelps. Systematic Reviews for Evidence-Based Practice for Librarians. WSU Vancouver Research Showcase. Vancouver, WA, April 15, 2010. (poster) PDF version: systematic_reviews_poster2010
Phelps, Sue F. and Nicole Campbell. Systematic Reviews for Evidence-Based Practice: How to Glean Information from the Research of Your Peers. Library Assessment Conference. Baltimore, MA, October 25, 2010. (poster) PDF version of the poster: arl_poster-handout-size Handout: arl2010-handout
Phelps, Sue F. and Nicole Campbell. (2012). Systematic reviews for evidence-based practice in librarianship. 4th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. Limerick, Ireland, May 22-25, 2012. (poster) PDF version of the poster: qqml-portrait-handout
Publications related to systematic reviews:
Phelps, Sue F. and Nicole Campbell. (2012) “Commitment and Trust in Librarian-Faculty Relationships: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Journal of Academic Librarianship, 38(1): 13-19.
Phelps, Sue F., and Nicole Campbell. “Systematic Reviews in Theory and Practice for Library and Information Studies”. Library and Information Research, 36(112): 6-15.