
OSOYOO Sport Car V 1.0 (#4)

This car is a 10 in*5 in mobile robot with Ackermann steering which makes it equivalent to a real car. The electronic modules are based on the OSOYOO R3 MCU board, which is Arduino-Compatible.

Drone (Parrot Mambo #2 and Parrot Bebop 2 #2)

SIAS LAB has two Parrot Mambo drones and two Parrot Bebop 2 drones. These drone have internal vertical and horizontal stabilizers, which makes them a reliable platform for doing research on path planning.

ViperX 300 Robot Arm 6DOF (#3)

The ViperX 300-6DOF Robot Arm is made for education and research with support for ROS, Moveit, Gazebo and MATLAB. The ViperX 300-6DOF offers 6 degrees of freedom and a payload capacity of 1.7 lbs. The ViperX 300 Robot Arm has a 30 in horizontal reach from center of the base to gripper with a total span of 60 in. Our robot arms are equipped with the Intel D415 RealSense Depth Camera to enable research on pick & place, object sorting / tracking and detection.

LoCoBot WX250 (#2)

The LoCoBot WX250 is an ROS research rover for mapping, navigation and manipulation. The rover is built on the Create 3 from iRobot and powered by the Intel NUC NUC8i3BEH Core i3 w/ 8gig of ram and 240g HD. An Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 sits atop an independently controlled pan/tilt mechanism (2XL430-W250-T) at the top of the platform which allows mapping and scanning. The 360 degree LIDAR can further improve both mapping and scanning for more advanced projects. The WidowX 250 is added to the LoCoBot platform, which is a 6 degree of freedom manipulator with a maximum reach of 26 in and a working payload of 0.6 lbs.

OptiTrack Motion Capture System (#1)

The OptiTrack system in the SIAS LAB consists of eight PrimeX 13 and two PrimeX 13W cameras. This system provides positional errors less than +/-0.20mm and rotational errors less than 0.5 degrees.  The capture rate of the cameras is 240 FPS and can be used in applications requiring high precision for movement speeds above 125 mph.

Temperature Control Lab (#3)

The temperature control lab is an application of feedback control with an Arduino, an LED, two heaters, and two temperature sensors. The heater power output is adjusted to maintain a desired temperature setpoint. Thermal energy from the heater is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation to the temperature sensor. Heat is also transferred away from the device to the surroundings.