Research and Projects

Egbert, L. E., Shahrokni., S. A., Zhang, X., Abobaker, R., Bantawtook, P., He, H., Bekar, M., Roe, M. F., & Huh, K. (2021). Language task engagement: An evidence-based model. TESL-EJ, 24(4).

The article describes the exploration of language task engagement from two main sources: 1) the large body of literature around engagement, which was used as one source of data for model-building, and 2) online surveys of student, teacher, and researcher perspectives that were collected and analyzed from multiple sources and contexts. To explain the model, the article first presents a brief justification for exploring the engagement construct, differentiating task engagement from related concepts. The paper then outlines the study methodology, presents and describes the model based on the literature and other data, and provides conclusions and recommendations.

Egbert, J. (2020). The new normal?: A pandemic of task engagement in language learning. Foreign language annals53(2), 314-319.

This article demonstrates how, at a time when learners may be experiencing fear and chaos in other aspects of their lives, a focus on language task engagement is essential across both online and offline language learning contexts. It presents a model of language task engagement and describes why and how teachers can use it to support learner achievement during the current crisis and in the future.