Our paper has been accepted by Cluster’16!
xuechen.zhangOur paper entitled “FlashStager: Improving the Performance of SSD-based Data Staging Systems via Write Redirection” (short paper) is accepted for presentation at Cluster’16.
Our paper entitled “FlashStager: Improving the Performance of SSD-based Data Staging Systems via Write Redirection” (short paper) is accepted for presentation at Cluster’16.
Dr. Zhang received an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to work on In-situ Scientific Data Analysis using Software-defined Storage Resource Enclaves.
Our paper entitled “WOWMON: A Machine Learning-based Profiler for Self-adaptive Instrumentation of Scientific Workflows” is accepted for presentation at ICCS16.
I am looking for self-motivated students with solid systems backgrounds (e.g., virtualization, storage systems, operating systems, parallel & distributed systems). If you are interested in pursuing a M.S. with me, please send me an email with your CV.