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Current Research Project


Previous Research Project


      1. PMUCache software repository
      2. Publication:
        • Ian Kosen et al., “Enabling QoS-Aware Processing of PMU Data on Unified Storage Infrastructure”, SGSMA’19.
        • Ian Kosen et al., “UPS: Unified PMU-Data Storage System to Enhance T+D PMU Data Usability”. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG), 2019.
  • Title: A High-Performance NVMM-aware Collective I/O Framework for Parallel Applications, DoE Visiting Faculty Program (VFP), PI in collaboration with Kesheng Wu (Co-PI) at the Berkeley Lab, summer 2022.
    • Software repository
    • Publications
      • Keegan et al., “High-Performance PMEM-Aware Collective I/Os”, research poster, SC’23.
      • Keegan et al., “A High-Performance Collective I/O Framework Leveraging Node-Local Persistent Memory”, EURO-PAR’24.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We are grateful to the Department of Energy for the sponsorship of this project.


    1. SIREN software repository
    2. Publication:
      • Karki et al., “QoS Support for Scientific Workflows using Software-Defined Storage Resource Enclaves”, IPDPS’18.
      • Karki et al., “Enforcing End-to-end I/O Policies for Scientific Workflows using Software-Defined Storage Resource Enclaves”, IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS), Volume 4, Issue 4, October-December 2018.
  • Title: A Holistic Approach to Taming Unaligned Writes in Flash Drives (10/01/2019-09/30/2023, NSF, single PI).
    1. WAFLASH software repository
    2. Publication:
      • Tyler Coy et al., “Compiler Aided Checkpointing using Crash- Consistent Data Structures in NVMM Systems”, ICS’20.
      • Yekang Wu et al., “NVSwap: Latency-Aware Swapping in Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems”, NAS’21.
      • Zheng Dang et al., “NVAlloc: Rethinking Heap Metadata Management in Persistent Memory Allocators”, ASPLOS’22.
      • Shuibing He et al., “WAFLASH: Taming Unaligned Writes in Solid-State Disks”, NAS’22.
      • Brandon Lavinsky et al., “PM-Rtree: A Highly-Efficient Crash-Consistent R-tree for Persistent Memory”, SSDBM’22.
      • Keegan Sanchez et al., “High-Performance PMEM-Aware Collective I/Os”, research poster, SC’23.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for the sponsorship of this project.