doctor and brain

Analytics and PsychoPharmacology Laboratory (APPL)

The mission of the Analytics and PsychoPharmacology Laboratory (APPL) is to advance innovative, scientifically rigorous approaches to the understanding, treatment, and prevention of addictions. We accomplish this by:

  • Conducting transdisciplinary research in interrelated areas
  • Training future scholars and clinicians
  • Promoting active participation of program affiliates in relevant policy arenas
Crystal Lederhos Smith

Dr. Crystal Smith solicited to speak at Horizons NW Psychedelics conference in Portland, OR December 1–3, 2023

Sterling McPherson giving a presentation

Dr. Sterling McPherson recently presented at the Society for the Study of Addiction conference with standing-room-only attendance. Presentation title: Contingency management as a leverageable therapeutic for the treatment of cigarette smoking co-addiction among those with alcohol or stimulant use disorders.

Nicole Rodin

Thank you to APPL’s Dr. Nicole Rodin for her newest on-demand NW ROTA C training titled, “Fentanyl and Xylazine: what you need to know and how to keep yourself safe.

Sterling McPherson

Congratulations Professor McPherson! Recently appointed as Associate Editor at AJDAA (American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse), Associate Editor at DADR (Drug Alcohol Dependence Reports)

Kudos to the APPL clinic team for going above and beyond to surpass our study recruitment goals. Through their hard work and creativity, they’ve put APPL on track to finish projects early if trends continue!

Dr. Miguel and Colleagues Publish New Research Evaluating Methamphetamine Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes


Program of Excellence in Addictions Research

APPL is one of several units housed within the larger Program of Excellence in Addictions Research (PEAR).