
WSU SMB Fall Conference, August 15-16 2019

1. SMB Fall Conference 2019 Pamphlet.

2. (L-R) Grace, Dr. Iwona Driskell, Dr. Ryan Driskell, Quan, and Sean at the poster presentation.

3. Quan presenting his poster to Sean.

Animal Biology and Biomedicine Symposium, June 14 2019

Dr. Driskell spoke about new data from his laboratory regarding ChIPseq and SC RNA-sequencing.

WSU Seminar, October 2018

Dr. Driskell with Dr. Klass Mulder who visited and had a seminar about his current research.

WSU SMB Fall Conference, August 16 2018

1 Dr. Driskell kicking things off for the SMB Fall Conference.

2 Dr. Valerie Horsley was the keynote speaker at the SMB Fall Conference.

3 Grace, Dr. Driskell, Dr. Mukherjee, and Emily Harris at Grace’s poster for the conference.

4 Grace and Jacob Woodbury near their posters for the conference.

Lab Photo, August 2018

Dr. Mukherjee, Dr. Driskell, and Grace at the Driskell Lab at Washington State University.

IID Conference, May 16-19 2018

Dr. Driskell and Luci at one of their posters for the International investigative Dermatology Conference.

Lab Photo, April 2018

Grace, Dr. Driskell, and Luci in the Driskell Lab at Washington State University.