Asaph Cousins
Professor Cousins’ lab is an independent satellite of the larger core facility. His group uses novel MIMS (Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry) approaches to gain insight into C4-photosynthesis from the molecular to global scale. For more information see the Cousins web site.
C. Kent Keller
Professor Keller is one of the founders of the our facility. His research interests are diverse and focus on environmental isotopes in biogeochemical studies. More information on his research can be found on his website
World famous Dr. Joy Erlenbach injecting doubly labeled water and taking tissue samples from a wild polar bear for stable isotope analyses
Charlie Robbins
Professor Robbins is a leader in our understand of mammal metabolism using stable isotope approaches. His students have made extensive use of the laboratory, and continue to collaborate with us now that they have their own independent careers. You can find out more about Dr. Robbin’s research at this website.
Erin Thornton
Dr. Thornton is an environmental archaeologist whose recent research has focused on the Maya cultural region. She is also the director of the Anthropology Stable Isotope Lab and her and her students work very closely with our lab. More information can be found at her website.