Psychology of Physical Activity Lab

Team Members

Research Themes


Dr. Sarah Ullrich-French and Dr. Anne Cox co-direct the Psychology of Physical Activity Lab using a team approach including undergraduate and graduate students. We conduct and apply research in optimizing physical activity experiences, motivation for long-term physical activity, and the physical, social, and psychological benefits of physical activity. Our research is both field- and lab-based, and spans experimental to longitudinal designs.

We apply our research to the community via outreach efforts including: physical education and activity program evaluation, body image workshops on the WSU campus, and sport team workshops in the community.

We approach our research and outreach in physical activity settings with theoretical grounding, innovation, and state-of-the-art analyses and methodology.

Psychology of Physical Activity Laboratory
Smith Gym 213-A

Department of Kinesiology and Educational Psychology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164