one Column test (threw away a two column entry
Table of Contents
Course Description
“Classical theory of static electric and magnetic fields.”
Course Description: The course is taught in a lecture format with weekly problem assignments. The course deals primarily with Maxwell’s Equations, which are partial differential equations, and I am assuming that you have had a course and mastered the material in Physics 318 as well as its prerequisites.
Grades are determined by homework (45%), three examinations (15% each), and attendance, quizzes, etc. (10%). (Click here to return to the Table of Contents)
Apparatus for Laser Desorption Experiments
The above apparatus is used to look at laser induced emission of neutral particles (atoms and molecules, including molecular fragments), +- ions, and electrons. These studies often include measuring time dependence and emission spectra of light emitted from the desorbed species and/or the irradiated sample itself.