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Department of Psychology Tech4Aging

Hearing Devices


captioned phone.Keywords: captioned phone, speech-to-text

Price: $$$

Additional Information: May require professional installation. Apps are available. Some insurance companies provide coverage.
visual ring indicator.Keywords: visual ring indicator, phone ring light

Price: $ - $$

Additional Information: Some come equipped with amplifiers. Others are portable.

Price Guide

Signal Devices

signaler.Keywords: signaler, light alert, vibrating alert

Price: $ - $$

Additional Information: Light and/or vibrating types are available.
fire alarm strobe light.Keywords: fire alarm strobe light

Price: $$$

Additional Information: Electrical wiring is required.


pocket talker.Keywords: pocket talker; handheld amplifier

Price: $ - $$

Additional Information: Many of these phones can also be made louder through amplification.
TV ears.Keywords: TV ears; direct TV listening system

Price: $$$ - $$$$

Additional Information: Can be connected to a TV, infrared, or radio systems. Some are compatible with t-coil.
personal FM system.Keywords: personal FM system

Price: $$$$
t-coil ear hook.Keywords: t-coil ear hook, inductive amplifier

Price: $

Additional Information: Compatible only with t-coil hearing aids.
neck loop.Keywords: neck loop; t-coil neck loop

Price: $ - $$$

Additional Information: Compatible only with t-coil hearing aids. Many have noise filtering capabilities.

Audio Playback

audio recorder.Keywords: audio recorder; voice recorder

Price: $

Additional Information: Apps available on phones and computers.
smart pen.Keywords: smart pen

Price: $$ - $$$$

Additional Information: Comes with software to store and replay written and audio information.