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Dr. Robert Catena's Gait and Posture Biomechanics Lab

Balance control during lateral load transfers

Dr. Catena was granted funding from Liberty Mutual in his postdoctoral position to study balance control during manual material handling. While excessive load weight can lead to musculoskeletal injuries, the major source of injury in manual material handling occupations involving low weights is falls. The resulting publications showed how the technique used in transferring loads determined fall risk. This body of work was significant because it showed the possibility of how individuals could reduce fall risk by adopting new material handling strategies.

Catena RD, DiDomenico A, Banks JJ, Dennerlein JT. The effect of load weight on balance control during lateral box transfers. Ergonomics. 2010 Nov;53(11):1359-67. PubMed PMID: 20967658.

Catena RD, DiDomenico A, Banks JJ, Dennerlein JT. Balance control during lateral load transfers over a slippery surface. Ergonomics. 2011 Nov;54(11):1060-71. PubMed PMID: 22026949.

Catena RD, Xu X. (2015). Lower extremity kinematics that correlate with success in lateral load transfers over a low friction surface. Ergonomics. 58(9):1571-1580.

Catena RD, Xu X. (2016). Hip and knee net joint moments that correlate with success in lateral load transfers over a low friction surface. Ergonomics. 59(12):1637-1645.

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