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Department of Physics and Astronomy Collins Research Group

Research Presented at the Summer ACS NORM Conference in Pullman

Graduate students Harlan Heilman, Acacia Patterson, and Tanner Melody presented their current research at the 78th Annual Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM) of the American Chemical Society, held this year at WSU. Our summer REU student Sydney Pfleiger was also able to attend, providing her with a unique opportunity to learn about other fields of research outside of the work she is doing this summer.


Research Presented at the Spring MRS in Seattle

Gradstudents Acacia Patterson and Tanner Melody presented their work at the Spring MRS meeting in Seattle. Alumnus REU student Ally Hurd also joined the group to present her project, extended at her home institution Macalester College, MN with her mentor Prof. James Doyle. Prof. Collins also presented an invited talk in the Symposium “Beond 20% Efficiencies with Organic Solar Cell Devices”.