Our research in this area thrives to identify simple methods- mainly electrical based- to characterize the evolution of porosity in fresh concrete. We work on identifying critical markers during the hydration of cement, such as the initial and final set times, and predicting the water content and porosity of the hydrating cement paste. Our research includes studying the effect of secondary cementitious materials (SCMs) and other constituents of the mixture on the porosity of the hardened cement matrix. Capillary porosity is critical to the diffusion of vapor and ions such as chloride and sulfate, which are the cause of corrosion of the embedded reinforcement. However, due to its small scale, capillary porosity is difficult to quantify even using the costliest instruments such as the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our goal is to use simple methods to indirectly but accurately establish indicators of the size, distribution and other properties of the pores to predict the structure’s durability.