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Schultz Research Group Conservation Biology


Links to publications available by clicking on publication year in list below.

  • Bussan, S. and C. B. Schultz. 2023 Can cattle grazing contribute to butterfly habitat? Using butterfly behavior as an index of habitat quality in an agroecosystem. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11
  • Forister, Matthew, C. Elphick, E. Grames, C. Halsch, C. B. Schultz, D. Wagner. 2023. Insect monitoring programs tell us about what is left not what is already lost Conservation Letters 16. e12951
  • Crone, E. E. and C. B. Schultz. 2022. Host plant limitation of butterflies in highly fragmented landscapes Theoretical Ecology 15: 165-175
  • Doll C. F, S. J. Converse, C. B. Edwards and C. B. Schultz. 2022. Using structured decision making to guide habitat restoration for butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 26:219-230
  • Doll, C. F., S. J. Converse and C. B. Schultz 2022. Non‐target effects of herbicides on the Zerene silverspot butterfly, a surrogate subspecies for the threatened Oregon silverspot butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation26:1-15
  • Crone, E.E. and C. B. Schultz. 2021. Resilience or catastrophe? A possible state change for monarch butterflies in the West. Ecology Letters  24:1533-1538
  • Schultz, C. B. and E. E. Crone 2021. What’s going on with monarchs in the West? A conservation conundrum. News of the Lepidopterists’ Society 63: 34-35
  • Freedman, M. J., De Roode; M. Forister, M. Kronforst, A. Pierce, C. B. Schultz, O. Taylor, E.E. Crone. 2021 Are Eastern and Western monarch butterflies distinct populations? A review of evidence for ecological, phenotypic, and genetic differentiation and implications for conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e423
  • Bonoan, R.B., E. E. Crone, C. B. Edwards and C. B. Schultz. 2021. Changes in phenology and abundance of an at-risk butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation 25: 499-510
  • Schultz, C. B., S. Mcknight, E. M. Pelton, S. Jepsen, C. C. Thomas, and E. E. Crone. 2021. Conservation and management of western monarchs on DoD lands: implications of breeding phenology. Final report for the Department of Defense Legacy Natural Resources Program NR 19-001.
  • Diffendorfer, J. E., W. E. Thogmartin, R. Drum, and C. B. Schultz. 2020. Editorial: North American Monarch Butterfly Ecology and Conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: Article 576281
  • Schultz, C. B. and J. A. Ferguson. 2020. Demographic costs and benefits of herbicide-based restoration to enhance habitat for an endangered butterfly and a threatened plant.  Restoration Ecology 28: 564-572.
  • Bennion, L. D., J. A. Ferguson, L. New and C. B. Schultz. 2020. Community-level effects of herbicide-based restoration treatments: Structural benefits but at what cost? Restoration Ecology 28: 553-563.
  • Harvey, J. A., R. Heinen, I. Armbrecht, Y. Basset, J. H. Baxter-Gilbert, T. M. Bezemer, M. Böhm, R. Bommarco, P. A. V. Borges, P. Cardoso, V. Clausnitzer, T. Cornelisse, E. E. Crone, M. Dicke, K.-D. B. Dijkstra, L. Dyer, J. Ellers, T. Fartmann, M. L. Forister, M. J. Furlong, A. Garcia-Aguayo, J. Gerlach, R. Gols, D. Goulson, J.-C. Habel, N. M. Haddad, C. A. Hallmann, S. Henriques, M. E. Herberstein, A. Hochkirch, A. C. Hughes, S. Jepsen, T. H. Jones, B. M. Kaydan, D. Kleijn, A.-M. Klein, T. Latty, S. R. Leather, S. M. Lewis, B. C. Lister, J. E. Losey, E. C. Lowe, C. R. Macadam, J. Montoya-Lerma, C. D. Nagano, S. Ogan, M. C. Orr, C. J. Painting, T.-H. Pham, S. G. Potts, A. Rauf, T. L. Roslin, M. J. Samways, F. Sanchez-Bayo, S. A. Sar, C. B. Schultz, A. O. Soares, A. Thancharoen, T. Tscharntke, J. M. Tylianakis, K. D. L. Umbers, L. E. M. Vet, M. E. Visser, A. Vujic, D. L. Wagner, M. F. WallisDeVries, C. Westphal, T. E. White, V. L. Wilkins, P. H. Williams, K. A. G. Wyckhuys, Z.-R. Zhu, and H. de Kroon. 2020. International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:174-176.
  • Thomas, C. C., C. V. Tillberg, and C. B. Schultz 2020. Facultative mutualism increases survival of an endangered ant-tended butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation. 24: 385-395
  • Schultz, C. B., S. Mcknight, E. M. Pelton, S. Jepsen, C. C. Thomas, and E. E. Crone. 2019. Conservation and management of western monarchs on DoD lands: implications of breeding phenology. Final report for the Department of Defense Legacy Natural Resources Program NR 17-836.
  • Crone, E.E., E. M. Pelton, L. B. Brown, C.C. Thomas, and C. B. Schultz. 2019. Why are monarch butterflies declining in the West? Understanding the importance of multiple correlated drivers. Ecological Applications. e01975
  • Crone, E. E., L. M. Brown, J. A. Hodgson, F. Lutscher, and C. B. Schultz. 2019. Faster movement in nonhabitat matrix promotes range shifts in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecology.
  • Pelton, E. M., C. B. Schultz, S. J. Jepsen, S. H. Black, E. E. Crone. 2019. Western monarch population plumments: Status, probable causes, and recommended conservation actions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:Article 258
  • Schultz, C. B., N. M. Haddad, E. E. Henry, and E. E. Crone. 2019. Movement and demography of at-risk butterflies: Building blocks for conservation. Annual Review of Entomology 64:167-184.
  • Rivers, J. W., S. M. Galbraith, J. H. Cane, C. B. Schultz, M. D. Ulyshen and U. G. Kormann. 2018. A review of research needs for pollinators in managed conifer forests. Journal of Forestry 116:563–572.
  • Warchola, N., E. E. Crone, and C. B. Schultz. 2018. Balancing costs and benefits of fire for population viability of endangered butterflies. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:800-809.
  • Himes Boor, G. T., C. B. Schultz, E. E. Crone, and W. F. Morris. 2018. Mechanism matters: the cause of fluctuations in boom-bust populations governs optimal habitat restoration strategy. Ecological Applications 28:356-372.
  • Schultz, C. B., L. M. Brown, E. Pelton, and E. E. Crone. 2017. Citizen science monitoring demonstrates dramatic declines of monarch butterflies in western North America. Biological Conservation 214:343-346.
  • Schultz, C. B., G. Pe’er, C. Damiani, L. Brown, and E. E. Crone. 2017. Does movement behavior predict population densities? A test of 25 butterfly species. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:384-393.
  • Schultz, C. B., J. L. Zemaitis, C. C. Thomas, M. D. Bowers, and E. E. Crone. 2016. Non-target effects of grass-specific herbicides differ among species, chemicals and host plants in Euphydryas butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 20:867-877.
  • Thomas, R. T. and C. B. Schultz. 2016. Resource selection in an endangered butterfly: Females select native nectar  species.  Journal of Wildlife Management 80:171-180.
  • Warchola, N, C. Bastianelli, C. B. Schultz, and E. E. Crone. 2015. Fire increases ant-tending and survival of Fender’s blue butterfly larvae. Journal of Insect Conservation. 19:1063-1073.
  • Schultz, C. B. and E. E. Crone. 2015. Using ecological theory to develop recovery criteria for an endangered butterfly. Journal of Applied Ecology 52:1111-1115.
  • Schultz, C. B. 2015. Flying towards recovery: Conservation of Fender’s blue butterfly. News of the Lepidopterists’ Society 57:210-213.
  • Glaeser, M. R. and C. B. Schultz. 2014Characterizing a contentious management tool: the effects of a grass-specific herbicide on the silvery blue butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation 18:1047-1058.
  • Severns, P. M., E. J. B. McIntire, and C. B. Schultz. 2013. Evaluating functional connectivity with matrix behavior uncertainty for an endangered butterfly. Landscape Ecology 28:559-569.
  • Carleton, A. and C. B. Schultz. 2013. Restoration action and species response: Oviposition habits of Plebejus icarioides fenderi across a restoration chronosequence in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:511-520.
  • Henry, E. H. and C. B. Schultz. 2013. A first step towards successful habitat restoration and reintroduction: Understanding oviposition site selection of an imperiled butterfly, Mardon skipper.  Journal of Insect Conservation 17:183-194.
  • Schultz, C. B., A. Franco, and E. E. Crone. 2012. Response of butterflies to structural and resource boundaries. Journal of Animal Ecology 81:724-734.
  • Labar, C. and C. B. Schultz. 2012. Investigating the effects of grass-specific herbicides on non-target butterflies. Natural Areas Journal 32:177-189.
  • Schultz, C. B., E. Henry, A. Carleton, T. Hicks, R. Thomas, A. Potter, M. Collins, M. Linders, C. Fimbel, S. Black, H. Anderson, G. Diehl, S. Hamman, R. Gilbert, J. Foster, D. Hays, D. Wilderman, R. Davenport, E. Steel, N. Page, P. Lilley, J. Heron, N. Kroeker, C. Webb, and B. Reader. 2011. Conservation of prairie-oak butterflies in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Northwest Science 85:361-388.
  • Beyer, L, and C. B. Schultz. 2010. Oviposition selection by rare grass skipper Polites mardon in montane habitats: advancing ecological understanding for developing conservation strategies. Biological Conservation 143:862-872.
  • Russell, C. and C. B. Schultz. 2010. Investigating the use of herbicides to control invasive grasses: effects on at-risk butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 14:53-63.
  • Schultz, C. B., J. Dzurisin, and C. Russell. 2009. Captive rearing of Puget blue butterflies, Icaricia icarioides blackmorei, and implications for conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation 13:309-315.
  • Crone, E. E. and C. B. Schultz. 2008. Old models explain new observations of butterfly movement at patch edges. Ecology 89:2061-2067.
  • Schultz, C. B. and E.E. Crone. 2008. Using ecological theory to advance butterfly conservation. Invited submission to Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution for special issue on Butterfly Conservation. 54:63-68.
  • Schultz, C. B., C. Russell, and L. Wynn. 2008. Restoration, reintroduction and captive propagation efforts for at-risk butterflies: a review. Invited submission to Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution for special issue on Butterfly Conservation. 54:41-61.
  • Crone, E. E., D. Pickering, and C. B. Schultz. 2007. Can captive rearing promote recovery of endangered butterflies? An assessment in the face of uncertainty. Biological Conservation 139:103-112.
  • Bar-David, S., O. Segev, N. Peleg, N. Hill, A. R. Templeton, C. B. Schultz, and L. Blaustein. 2007. Long distance movements by fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra infraimmaculata) and implications for habitat fragmentation. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53:143-159.
  • McIntire, E., C. B. Schultz, and E. E. Crone. 2007. Designing a network for butterfly habitat restoration: where individuals, populations and landscapes interact. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:725-736.
  • Campbell, B. H., B. Altman, E. Bangs, D. W. Smith, B. Csuti, D. Hays, F. Slavens, K. Slavens, C. B. Schultz, and R. W. Butler. 2006. Restoring wildlife populations. In D. Apostol and M. Sinclair (eds.) Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia. Island Press, Washington, DC. 351-392.
  • Schultz, C. B. and E. E. Crone. 2005. Patch size and isolation thresholds for butterfly habitat restoration. Conservation Biology 19:887-896.
  • Winfree, R., J. Dushoff, E. E. Crone, C. B. Schultz, R. Budny, N. Williams, and C. Kremen. 2005. Simple indices of habitat proximity. American Naturalist 165:707-717.
  • Crone, E. E. and C. B. Schultz. 2003. Minimum patch size for population persistence in an endangered Oregon butterfly. In C. Boggs, W. Watt, and P. Ehrlich (eds.) Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight: Butterflies as Model Study Systems. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 561-576.
  • Holl, K. D., E. E. Crone., and C. B. Schultz. 2003. Landscape restoration: moving from generalities to methodologies. BioScience. 53:491-502.
  • Schultz, C. B. and P.C. Hammond. 2003. Using population viability analysis to develop recovery criteria for endangered insects: case study of the Fender’s blue butterfly. Conservation Biology 17:1372-1385.
  • Schultz, C. B., P. C. Hammond, and M. V. Wilson. 2003. The biology of Fender’s blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi), an endangered species of western Oregon native prairies. Natural Areas Journal 23:61-71.
  • Wilson, M. V, T. Erhart,, P. C. Hammond, T. N. Kaye, K. Kuykendall, A. Liston, C. B. Schultz, and  P. M. Severns. 2003. The Biology of Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus sulphureus spp. kincaidii), a threatened species of western Oregon native prairies. Natural Areas Journal 23:72-83.
  • Schultz, C. B. and L. R. Gerber. 2002. Are Endangered Species Act recovery plans improving with practice? Ecological Applications 12:641–647.
  • Gerber, L. R. and C. B. Schultz. 2001. Authorship and the use of science in Endangered Species Act recovery plans. Conservation Biology 15:1308-1314.
  • Schultz, C. B. 2001. Restoring resources for an endangered butterfly.  Journal of Applied Ecology 38:1007-1019.
  • Schultz, C. B. and E. E. Crone. 2001. Edge-mediated dispersal behavior in a prairie butterfly. Ecology 82:1879-1892.
  • Schultz, C. B. and K. Dlugosch. 1999.  Nectar and hostplant scarcity limit populations of an endangered Oregon butterfly. Oecologia 119:231-238.
  • Schultz, C. B. 1998. Dispersal behavior and its implications for reserve design for a rare Oregon butterfly. Conservation Biology 12:284-292.
  • Schultz, C. B. and G. C. Chang. 1998. Challenges in Insect Conservation: Managing Fluctuating Populations in Disturbed Environments. In P. Fiedler and P. Kareiva (eds.) Conservation Biology for the Coming Decade. Chapman Hall. New York. 228-254.
  • Schultz, C. B. and E. E. Crone. 1998. Burning prairie to restore butterfly habitat? A modeling approach for management tradeoffs for the Fender’s blue. Restoration Ecology 6:244-252.
  • Schultz, C. B. 1997. Planting butterfly seeds: An experiment in restoring habitat for the Fender’s blue butterfly. In T. Kaye, A. Liston, R. M. Love, D. L. Luoma, R. J. Meinke, and M. V. Wilson (eds.) Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi. Native Plant Society of Oregon, Corvallis, OR. 88-98.
  • Wilson, M. V., P. C. Hammond, and C. B. Schultz. 1997. Interdependence of the Fender’s blue butterfly and Oregon’s native prairies. In T. Kaye, A. Liston, R. M. Love, D. L. Luoma, R. J. Meinke, & M. V. Wilson (eds.) Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi. Native Plant Society of Oregon, Corvallis, OR. 82-87.
  • Wheelwright, N. T. and C. Schultz. 1994. Age and reproduction: an experimental study of Savannah sparrows and tree swallows. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:686-702.
  • Wheelwright, N. T., C. Schultz, and P.J. Hodum. 1992. Polygyny and male assistance in raising nestling Savannah sparrows: effects on female fitness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 31:279-289.