WSU Europe Laboratory


For all WSU colleges and units in any WSU campus, the WSU Europe Laboratory researches, develops, and implements international initiatives within the European continent to contribute to:

  • graduating internationally-minded diverse students for leadership in multicultural global societies
  • establishing international partnerships to advance knowledge more effectively than allowed by the resources of any single institution
  • securing domestic & transatlantic funding to support international research collaborations and provide students with research-&-study-abroad fellowships

Study Abroad


Colleges and Campuses in Chief WSU Europe Initiatives

CASCAHNRSHonorsVCEA  @  WSU Pullman, WSU Tri-Cities

CASHonorsVCEA  @ WSU Everett, WSU Pullman, WSU Tri-Cities, WSU Vancouver

  • Established STARS program, which places WSU students in  Sweden to study and conduct international scientific computing research. Each participating student receives a $12,000 fellowship. Collectivelt funded for a total of $450,000 by NSF – IRES , European Union Erasmus+  program, and Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
  • Secured over $350,000 from the European Union through the Erasmus+ program to support European as well as WSU students and Faculty on international exchanges with partner universities in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Sweden
  • A WSU professor representing CAS and WSU Everett, was advised to teach and then taught Applied Mathematics at Denmark’s prestigious Aarhus University during the 2023 summer semester
  • MoUs negotiated for and signed by WSU and 17 peer universities in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland
  • Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreements negotiated for and signed by WSU and 7 peer universities in Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland
  • Established an International Double Master’s Degree Program in Engineering and Computer Science with Switzerland’s Zurich University of Applied Sciences, the only program of its kind in the State of Washington

CASCAHNRS  @ WSU Pullman, WSU Tri-Cities

Plant Science Students

  • Fostered development of summer plant-science program, which places WSU students in  Germany to conduct international plant science research. Each participating student receives a $9,000 fellowship. Funded by NSF – IRES for a total of ~$300,000
  • Led establishment of transatlantic Plant Sciences research collaboration between with Germany’s prestigious University of Cologne ‘s CEPLAS Cluster of Excellence in Plant Sciences