Engineering, Mathematics, & Science Study-&-Research abroad Program in Sweden
Funded by a $300,000 award from the National Science Foundation’s International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) initiative, WSU will develop cohorts of diverse IRES Scholars as globally educated students for international leadership in high-performance Engineering and Scientific Computing.
A yearly cohort of 7 WSU students from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA), from any WSU campus served by these colleges, will participate in an exchange-&-research semester at Sweden’s Linköping University, (LiU), which manages that country’s National Supercomputer Center and is a partner in the Norrköping Visualization Center. View the program flyer for details. Access the application portal to apply today.
Beginning in the 2023 fall semester and offered during each fall semester for the next three years, this program will involve 21 diverse WSU students, each of whom will receive a $12,000 fellowship to study in Linköping. Continuing to fulfill their tuition plan with WSU for the semester in Sweden, the students will receive this fellowship, but will not have to pay any extra tuition at LiU. The participating students will collaborate with an equal number of LiU students who will then reciprocate an exchange semester at WSU. The WSU Students will also take part in English-taught workshops and cultural events, gaining familiarity with the culture and language of Sweden.
Using advanced high-performance computers, students will practice the computing-based design philosophy that is supporting the international development of Boeing’s and Saab’s new T-7A Red Hawk training aircraft. Knowledge gained by this fundamental research will contribute to the expansion of e-design, which reduces development costs, increases quality of initial prototypes, and accelerates introduction of systems into international markets.
To learn more, or become a part of the program, contact Dr. Joseph Iannelli (VCEA), view the program flyer, or send questions through the following question field. Thank you.