Military Research
*SHOT Lab members in bold
Behneman, A., Berka, C., Stevens, R., Vila, B., Tan, V., Galloway, T., Johnson, R., & Raphael, G. (2012)
Neurotechnology to accelerate learning: during marksmanship training.
IEEE Pulse. 3(1), 60-63. doi: 10.1109/MPUL.2011.2175641
Gunzelmann, G., James, S. M., & Caldwell, J. (2019)
Basic and applied science interactions in fatigue understanding and risk mitigation.
In H. P. Van Dongen, P. Whitney, J. M. Hinson, K. A. Honn, & M. W. Chee (Eds.), Sleep Deprivation and Cognition,
Progress in Brain Research. 246, 177-204. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2019.03.022
James, L., Smart, D., Odom-Maryon, T., Honn, K.A., & Rowan, S. (2019)
Sleep deprivation in Air National Guard medical personnel responding to simulated disaster-training exercises.
Military Psychology. 31(2), 138-146, doi: 10.1080/08995605.2019.1565909
Johnson, R.R., Stone, B.T., Miranda, C.M., Vila, B., James, L., James, S.M., Rubio, R.F., & Berka, C. (2014)
Identifying psychophysiological indices of expert versus novice performance in deadly force judgment and decision making.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8(512). doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00512
Smart, D., James, L., Odom-Maryon, T., & Rowan, S. (2020)
Effect of subjective sleepiness on critical skills performance in National Guard medical personnel during extensive disaster training.
Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 7(1), 17-26. doi: 10.24298/hedn.2019-0007
Smart, D., Odom-Maryon, T., James, L., Rowen, S., & Roby, A. (2018)
Development of a Critical Skills Assessment for Military Medical Field Settings.
Nursing Practice & Research. 1(4), 1-8. doi: 10.32648/2577-9516/1/4/002
Vila, B. & Samuels, C. (2011)
Sleep loss in first responders and the military.
In Meir H. Kryger, Thomas Roth, and William C. Dement (eds.)
Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine, 5th Ed. (PPSM 5e), Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, Chapter 72.
Vila, B. & Savage, J. (2011)
Balancing counterterrorism strategies: lessons from evolutionary ecology.
In Brian Forst, Jack R. Greene and James P. Lynch (eds.)
Security and Justice in the Homeland: Criminologists on Terrorism, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 4.
Violanti, J.M., Burchfiel, C.M., Hartley, T.A., Mnatsakanova, A., Fekedulegn, D., Andrew, M., Slaven, J.E., Charles, L., & Vila, B. (2009)
Atypical work hours and metabolic syndrome among police officers.
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health. 64(3), 194-201.doi: 10.1080/19338240903241259
Winser, M.A., Hinson, J.M., James, S.M., Vila, B., Whitney, P., & Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2014)
Fatigue during deadly force decision-making: measuring skin conductance response during simulations.
Sleep-Wake Research in The Netherlands. 25, 81-84.