Our Research
Our research aims to elucidate the fundamental physical mechanisms driving various manufacturing processes and utilize that understanding to improve the resolution, accuracy and versatility of these processes through design and integration of smart systems. Our primary focus is on direct-ink-write type additive manufacturing and cell-culture based biomanufacturing processes. We utilize various experimental, analytical and numerical modeling tools and perform studies on the design and control of 3D-printers. Our application focus extends to wearable, flexible devices, biosensing and artificial tissue engineering.
If you are interested in joining our group or collaborating with us, please contact Dr. Arda Gozen at arda.gozen@wsu.edu. We usually have many volunteer research opportunities for WSU undergraduate students.
Our lab published a new paper titled “Micro-extrusion-based additive manufacturing with liquid metals and alloys: Flow and deposition driven by oxide skin mechanics” first-authored by Dr. Abhishek Gannarapu in Extreme Mechanics Letters. You can find the paper here.
Our lab published a new paper titled “Rheology of liquid metal particle-based polymer composites: A comparative study ” first-authored by Sepehr Nesaei in Journal of Rheology. You can find the paper here.
MPML welcomes two new Ph.D. students Steven Peyron and Ruchira Tandel.
Abhishek Gannarapu successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Extrusion-based 3D Printing of Liquid Metallic Structures”.
Our lab’s accomplishments has been acknowledged by the Voiland College of Engineering and Architure at WSU through the Junior Faculty Research Award presented to Dr. Gozen.
Sepehr Nesaei successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Direct-Ink-Writing of Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites”, becoming the first PhD graduate of MPML.
Our recent work spearheaded by Sepehr Nesaei in collaboration with Dr. Yuehe Lin’s group, involving 3D-printing of glucose biosensors has been featured in the media. See the news article here.
Our lab is awarded a $15,000 grant from Washington Research Foundation towards further development and user studies associated with our IntelliBra technology
Our lab is awarded a $500,000 grant from National Foundation for a 5-year project titled “CAREER: Material-Process-Property Relationships of Additive Manufacturing with Polymer Nanocomposites”. For more information: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1846758&HistoricalAwards=false
Our lab published a new paper titled “Micro Additive Manufacturing of Glucose Biosensors: A Feasibility Study” first-authored by Sepehr Nesaei in Analytica Chima Acta. You can find the paper here.