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Publications for Simulated Used Nuclear Fuel Dissolution as a Function of Fuel Chemistry and Near Field Conditions

  • T. A. Olds, J. Plášil, A.R. Kampf, P.C. Burns, J. Marty, and J.S. McCloy, “Bobfinchite, Na[(UO2)8O3(OH)11]·10H2O, a new Na-bearing member of the schoepite family,” American Mineralogist, 109(7), 1266-1274 (2024).
  • B. Downing, S. Karcher, and J. McCloy, “Laser-induced luminescence imaging: Microstructural-chemical analysis for nuclear materials,” MRS Advances, 9(7), 473-478 (2024).
  • Karcher, S., R. Mohun, T. Olds, M. Weber, K. Kriegsman, X. Zhao, X. Guo, C. Corkhill, D. Field, and J. McCloy, “Benefits of using multiple Raman laser wavelengths for characterizing defects in a UO2 matrix,” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 53(5), 988-1002 (2022).
  • Weber, M.H., J.S. McCloy, C.R. Halverson, S.E. Karcher, R. Mohun, and C.L. Corkhill, “Characterization of vacancy type defects in irradiated UO2 and CeO2,” MRS Advances, 7(7), 123-127 (2022).
  • Weber, M.H., S. Karcher, R. Mohun, C. Corkhill, and J. McCloy, “Assessment of positrons for defect studies in CeO2 materials,” MRS Advances, 6(4), 119-124 (2021).
  • Marcial, J., Y. Zhang, X. Zhao, H. Xu, A. Mesbah, E.T. Nienhuis, S. Szenknect, J.C. Neuefeind, J. Lin, L. Qi, A.A. Migdisov, R.C. Ewing, N. Dacheux, J.S. McCloy, and X. Guo, “Thermodynamic non-ideality and disorder heterogeneity in actinide silicate solid solutions,” npj Materials Degradation, 5(1), 34 (2021).
  • Olds, T.A., S.E. Karcher, K.W. Kriegsman, X. Guo, and J.S. McCloy, “Oxidation and anion lattice defect signatures of hypostoichiometric lanthanide-doped UO2,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 151959 (2019).