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Current Research Projects

Advanced Characterization Techniques to Improve Understanding of Glass Phenomena
This project aims to introduce and develop unconventional techniques for characterizing glass structure and performance. Past work in this area has focused on magnetometry techniques for iron-containing glasses. Current work is focused on positron annihilation spectroscopy applications to glass, as well as laboratory-based X-ray instruments, including small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nano-computed tomography (nano-CT).

(Funding: various)
Related publications

Expanded High-Level Waste Glass Processing Envelope
This project proposes to increase the loading of potential HLW feeds in glass by expanding the existing database and glass property-composition models. The general approach is to build on previous studies that obtained data with high quality assurance pedigree and expand those datasets into more aggressive waste loading regimes for the target properties outlined here, including high-Al2O3, high-SO3, and high-Na2O compositions. The target properties include SO3 solubility, nepheline formation upon canister centerline cooling, crystallization or immiscible liquid separation in the melt as a function of temperature, product consistency test response, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure response, viscosity, and electrical conductivity. The general experimental approach highlighted here includes simultaneous optimization of the component fractional loadings through empirical data collection and sample analysis coupled with modeling.

(Partners: PNNL, U North Texas; Funding DOE-EM)

Glass Research Providing Risk Reduction for Direct-Feed Low Activity Waste (DF-LAW) Vitrification Plant Startup
This research involves glass-melting, thermal treatments, structural characterization of the crystalline and glassy phases, and chemical durability assessments in support of the DOE/ORP Waste Treatment Processing efforts. Primary technical focuses are: the suppression of foaming due to redox effects, increase of Na2O and SO3 loading, increase the solubility of volatile radionuclides, suppression of crystallization in LAW glass, and control of K-3 refractory corrosion.
(Partners: Rutgers, PNNL; Funding DOE-EM)
Related Publications

Iron sulfide nanoparticles for capture of volatile contaminants: Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP)
The goals of this project are to demonstrate proof of principal removal of I, Hg, and Tc (or proxy Re) from caustic waste using Fe-S or similar magnetic particles; demonstrate one or more possible waste form paths for immobilization of the radionuclide/ contaminant laden particles; assess overall disposal benefits of addition of this process and propose flow sheet changes to necessary to incorporate the process.
(Funding: DOE-EM) 

Pioneering a Cermet Waste Form for Disposal of Waste Streams From Advanced Reactors (PACE-FORWARD)
Cermets have long been recognized as potential WFs for disposal of ceramic and metal-based nuclear waste. We aim to combine our scientific understanding of materials science with the strength of rapid processing technologies, that is, HIP and SPS, to deliver a simple and scalable route to produce cermet WFs which can immobilize the combined HLW (metal + salt + oxide + carbon) from each target advanced reactor fuel cycle, i.e., molten salt fuel reactors, metallic fuel reactors and TRISO fuel.
(Partners: Rutgers, PNNL, SRNL, MS&T, Alfred, U S Carolina; Funding: ARPAe)
Related publications

Understanding of Degradation Pathways and Thermodynamic Properties of UN and UC based Spent Nuclear Fuels from Pool Storage and Dry Disposal
This research proposal aims to develop a fundamental understanding of possible degradation pathways of spent nuclear fuel forms of advanced non-oxide fuels: uranium nitride (UN) and uranium carbide (UC), under various storage and disposal conditions, using modern spectroscopic and calorimetric techniques.
(Partners: WSU Chemistry; Funding: Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Related publications

Accelerated Discovery, Design, and Development of Ceramic Materials (Cer3D)
Through this project, we propose to develop advanced experimental, theoretical, and data science methods and apply them to illustrate means to rapidly address many of key problems in design, modeling, manufacturing, and testing of advanced ceramic materials.
(Partners: WSU MME, IMR, ISP; Funding: Army Research Laboratory)