Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Researchers
Name | Role at NOME | Current position |
Deepak Patil | Post-doc | UCLA, Research Associate |
Travis Olds | Post-doc | Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh, Curator of Mineralogy |
Jason Lonergan | Post-doc | Missouri University of Science & Technology, Research Professor |
José Marcial | Post-doc | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Research Scientist |
Mostafa Ahmadzadeh | Post-doc | Exponent, Materials Science Consultant |
Nick Stone-Weiss | Post-doc | Corning Inc., Glass Scientist |
Hua Chen | Visiting scholar | Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology (IMUST), Associate Professor |
Irmak Sargin | Research professor | Middle Eastern Technical University (METU) Turkey, Assistant Professor |
Graduate Students
Name | Role at NOME | Current position |
Junghune Nam | MS MSE | Ascend Elements, Battery Engineer |
Jamie Weaver | PhD Chemistry | National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Staff Research Chemist |
Ke Xu | PhD MSE | ASML, Sr. Application Engineer |
Yue Cao | PhD MSE | ASML, Sr. Competence Engineer |
Saehwa Chong | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Scientist |
Brian Riley | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Scientist |
Mostafa Ahmadzadeh | PhD MSE | Exponent, Materials Science Consultant |
José Marcial | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Scientist |
Muad Saleh | PhD MSE | Lam Research, Product Engineer |
Emily Nienhuis | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Chemist |
Michael Kindle | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Materials Scientist |
Sam Karcher | PhD MSE | Washington State University, Research Assistant Professor |
Matt Athon | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Scientist |
Steven Luksic | PhD MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Staff Scientist |
David Bollinger | PhD MSE | University of Texas Austin, Operations Director |
Natalie Smith-Gray | PhD MSE | Walla Walla University, Assistant Professor |
Jani Jesenovec | PhD MSE | BAE Systems, Principal Scientist Crystal Grower |
Arumala Josiah Lere-Adams | MS MSE | Washington State University, PhD student |
Aya Azzedioui | MS MSE intern | University of Montpellier, PhD student |
Undergraduate Students
Name | Role at NOME | Current position |
Emily Larsen | BS ME | Washington State University, Scholarly Assistant Professor |
Cassandra Steffen | BS Civil Eng | AHBL Inc, Civil Engineer |
Erik Fergerstrom | BS MSE | Boeing, Process Engineer |
Mahmood Abusamha | BS ME, BS MSE | Real estate broker |
Gabe Cocking | BS MSE | Cascade Aircraft, Engineer |
Joey Kabel | BS MSE | Electrified Thermal Solutions, Founder and CTO |
Jonathan Moore | BS MSE | Full time minister |
Jacob Peterson | BS Chem Eng | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Staff Scientist |
Abigail Poelstra | BS Env Eco Sci | Washington State University, Admin Assistant |
Joseph L. Osborn | BS Manag Inf Sys | Rocket Mortgage, Banker |
Maddison Heine | BS MSE | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Nuclear Engineer |
Zayne Nelson | BS Civil Eng | Central Plateau Cleanup Company, Industrial Hygienist |
Camila Romero | HS student intern | University Saarland, Physics graduate student |
Sophia Rubero | BS Chem Eng | Washington River Protection Solutions, Chemical Engineer |
Jessica Erickson Sly | BS MSE | Pennsylvania State University, PhD student |
Julia Esakoff | BS Earth Sciences | Montana State University, PhD student |
Brooke Downing | BS MSE | Colorado School of Mines, PhD student |
Halen Walker | BS MSE | Naval Nuclear Laboratory |
Ian Wells | BS ME | Washington State University, PhD student |
Shella Crafton | BS MSE | Washington State University, UG student |
Ravi Lin | BS MSE | Case Western University, UG student |