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Hearing Loss in the music industry

Loud noise causes permanent hearing loss…and that includes loud noise that we willingly expose ourselves to for fun, like loud music. I’m not saying we shouldn’t listen to music – I love live music, EDM, and dance clubs. However, the dangers of loud music are rarely discussed, and most of us don’t protect ourselves from life-long damage. We’re launching a new video project to raise awareness about hearing loss in the music industry. Are you a musician or industry professional with hearing loss? Want to share your story? Or are you an industry professional or company who wants to sponsor the video and share the message about safe listening? Email allison.coffin [at]

This video project is a collaboration with Broader Impacts Productions.

Lab news update

Lots of news to post, both happy and sad…here goes!

Alexandria advances to candidacy

Congratulations to PhD student Alexandria Hudson, who aced her proposal defense and advanced to candidacy. Great job Alex! The lab all went out to celebrate.



As a reward, Alex and her husband Clay got a new puppy. Welcome to Phoenix, the newest fuzzy lab member!




Welcome to Sofia

Welcome to new undergraduate researcher Sofia Grande! Sofia is a neuroscience major at WSU Vancouver and joined the lab this week.


Former lab member passes away

Former lab technician Dustin Manning (B.S. WSU Vancouver 2013) passed away in late November after a battle with opioid addiction. Dustin had a big heart and loved to help his friends and family. Our hearts go out to his family, and to all those struggling with addiction.


Congratulations Gavin!

Congratulations to undergraduate research Gavin Lockard on his acceptance to Pharmacy School! Gavin will attend the WSU Pharmacy School in Spokane beginning August 2019.

Goodbye to Beija and Maria – and good luck!

Two lab members left at the end of July for new adventures. Lab manager (and former undergraduate) Beija Villalpando will move to Rochester, Minnesota to attend medical school at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine. Fish facility manager and undergraduate researcher Maria Sokolova is moving to South Korea, where she will teach English. We’ll miss them both, and deeply appreciate their contributions to the lab.

Alexandria Hudson wins poster award

Congratulations to PhD student Alex Hudson, who won second place in the graduate student poster competition at the 2018 WSU Vancouver Research Showcase. Alex’s poster clearly explained her research on berbamine analogs as potential drugs to prevent certain forms of antibiotic-induced hearing loss.

Undergraduate researchers succeed in grant and presentation competitions

Congratulations to Robby Boney for his first-place poster finish at the WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA), hosted on the Pullman campus. Robby won the Crimson Award in the Computer Science, Mathematics, and Informatics category for his poster titled, “Is the lack of mammalian hair cell regeneration linked to evolutionarily dependent amino acid changes within functional protein domains?”




Also, congratulations are in order to Jordan Donaldson for his receipt of a College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate mini-grant for $1,500. These funds will support Jordan’s research on developmental changes in drug-induced hearing loss.


Honorary lab member

Introducing Dutch, honorary Coffin Lab member. Dutch’s puppy energy brings joy (and some damage) to the home of his people, graduate student Alexandria Hudson and her husband Clay Hudson. Despite being adorable, Dutch isn’t allowed in the lab – he would break something!