First, long overdue congratulations to the WSU Vancouver Neuroscience class of 2022! Several lab members walked at commencement in May: Keziah Nguyen, Alex Pederson, Olivia Molano, Forrest Fearington, and Teyline McLean. Forrest also received several awards, including being named a Top 10 Senior for all of WSU.
It’s been a busy time in the Coffin Lab, saying goodbye to several amazing lab members and welcoming new ones. We’re so proud of Forrest Fearington, who started medical school at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and Susannah Schloss, now a PhD student at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Good luck to both, and stay warm!
Another amazing journey – Keziah Nguyen sets off this week for a post-bac research program at Washington University St. Louis
Lab weddings!
Forrest Fearington married Ashley Vega-Lazaro (BS Neuroscience 2021) in March. Our lab members had fun getting dressed up to celebrate with the happy couple.
Former PhD student Phil Uribe married classmate Alexis Mickelson at a beautiful destination wedding in Hawai’i.