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Congratulations to Jamie Weaver

The Chairs of the 2014 MRS Fall Meeting have selected “Forest of Na-Re-O dendrites in ceramic matrix composite” image (taken by Jamie Weaver and Paul Gassman (PNNL) with a Horiba Raman Spectrometer equipped with a Nikon Eclipse microscope) as a finalist in the “Science as Art” competition.  Chosen from among 150 artistic entries, the 60 finalists will compete in Boston for multiple $400 first-place and $200 second-place prizes.

Congratulations to Muad Saleh

Congratulations Muad, for being selected to participate in the WSU Harold Frank Entrepreneurship Program (!  We expect great things.

Congratulations to Muad Saleh

Congratulations to Muad Saleh who received the undergraduate 2014 John Hirth Excellence Fund in Material Science scholarship, the Kaiser Aluminum scholarship, and the Auvil undergraduate research scholarship.

Congratulations to José Marcial

Congratulations to José Marcial who was picked to be a member of the 2014-15 American Ceramic Society’s President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA).  José also received a travel award to MS&T2014 from the American Ceramic Society’s Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division.