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Systems-on-Chip Lab Home


Research Focus



My research program is investigating fundamental challenges in microelectronics at the interface of devices, circuits, signal processing, communications, and algorithms leveraging convergent research in electrical engineering, computer engineering, statistics, and physics. My current research interests lie in the intersection of antenna-RF interface, analog mixed-signal processing, ultra-low-power electronics, and radio front-end transceivers for wireless / wired communication spanning across a wide bandwidth, size, and more recently, temperature. In particular, the Systems-on-Chip (SoC) lab) investigates modeling, design, and implementation of silicon-based wideband transceiver architectures, energy-efficient, low-temperature CMOS, and heterogeneous platform integration.

We are grateful to the support of our sponsors towards our research programs.


Hardware / EDA Support

NVIDIA GPU program for their continued support towards our research program. Xilinx and Altera (Intel) for their support for Millimeter-Wave testbed validation. We also acknowledge Cadence, Mentor and MOSIS for their support towards chip fabrication and EDA tools.


Graduate Students

Openings : Openings for PhD Students are available in wideband energy-efficient circuits and systems for wireless and wired communication including quantum-related sensing and communication. Likely candidates for PhD should have a good background in communication, analog circuits and signal processing with strong analytical skills. Familiarity with Cadence simulation suite, and Matlab is desirable.
Send your CV, intended areas of research to me at


Email me at or come to my office at EME 233, EECS.