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Systems-on-Chip Lab News



  • Our work on Phase-shifter less Phased Array with Continuous Beam Angle Resolution has been accepted to IEEE TCAS-1. Congrats Adam Slater (now at UVa), Hesam Abbasi, Sreeni Poolakkal, and Foad Beheshti.
  • Congrats to Ali Mokri and Yen-Ching Wang for our collaborative work on true-time-delay testbed to be displayed at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) in June 2024.  
  • Our paper on wideband large delay-bandwidth combiner led by Qiuyan was just accepted to IEEE RFIC’24. More information forthcoming …


  • Pleased to announce that your follow-up paper to the IEEE JSSC’22 by lead author Dr. Chung-Ching Lin has been accepted to IEEE TCAS-II. Titled “Design Considerations of Time-interleaved Discrete-time Beamformers Toward Wideband Communications“, and co-authored by Qiuyan Xu, Prof. Huan  Hu along with Dr. Chung-Ching Lin, this paper provides in-depth design tradeoffs for discrete-time spatial signal processors. 
  • Subhanshu recently presented a workshop tutorial on the discrete-time beamformers titled “Recent Advances in Discrete-time Delay Compensation for Large-Scale Antenna Arrays” at IEEE CICC’23.
  • SoC Lab welcomes our Summer / Fall intern cohort – Aditya Kharalkar (IIT Bombay), Khairul Islam (WSU), Rohan Gulur (UIUC), and Aidan Covey (WSU). We all are excited to work with you.
  • Congrats to Soumen and Chung-Ching for their IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits publication on a low-power phase-interpolator that is PVT tolerant and suited for large-scale arrays.
  • Check out the feature magazine article in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine on true-time-delay arrays capturing our research in collaboration with CORES lab at UCLA and ARMAG at WSU.
  • Congrats to Jay Kamat for his first IEEE publication in IEEE ISCAS 2023 on review of non-foster circuits. Jay pursued this research over the past one year and has developed interesting leads on non-foster circuits.


  • We have a new awarded US patent “time-based circuits and systems for wideband spatial signal processing” by former student Dr. Erfan Ghaderi and PI Gupta.
  • Qiuyan Xu and Shrestha Bansal successfully passed her Preliminary Exam this summer. Congrats Qiuyan and Shrestha.
  • Congratulations to SoumenMohapatra for winning the NSF RFIC’22 Travel Grant Award – this award will help Soumen to present his upcoming paper at RFIC and create a strong network interacting with the experts and peers there in.
  • SoC lab welcomes Hesam Abbasi (PhD) and Adam Slater (MS) into the fold. Our summer cohort for 2022 has research candidates including Christian Nicoll (BS, WSU), Anika Khan (Junior, WSU) and Steven Callender (visiting NSF REU) besides Jay Kamat. Welcome everyone.
  • Very happy to report 2 papers in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) and IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems (TCAS-II) by collaborative research between SoC lab at WSU and CORES lab at UCLA. Congratulations to Chung-Ching, Veljko, Han, Qiuyan, Aditya and rest of the group members for leading this fantastic effort.
  • Chung-Ching’s abstract submission to SRC TechCon 2022 got invited for a presentation in September 2022. Congrats Chung-Ching.
  • Congratulations to SoC and ARMAG Lab members Soumen Mohapatra and Chung-Ching Lin whose papers have been accepted to the IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Symposium (RFIC). More details on this soon…
  • Qiuyan Xu is interning this Spring Semester at Texas Instruments (TI). Thank you TI for this opportunity.
  • Shrestha Bansal is interning this Spring Semester at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) supported by the NSF INTERN program. Thank you MERL for this opportunity.
  • Very happy that SoC Lab recent alumni Dr. Huan Hu has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the School of Microelectronics in the Southern University of Science and Technology. Congratulations Prof. Hu. Way to go. 


  • Sreeni Poolakkal was awarded the IEEE SSCS Next Generation Designers award to attend the Next-Generation Circuit Designer Workshop at IEEE ISSCC 2022. Thank you SSCS for your support. 
  • Congratulations to Chung-Ching Lin for successfully proposing his PhD preliminary exam. On the way to dissertation.
  • Many congratulations for Leonardo Bosco Carreira for successfully defending his MS Exam. Leo came to us as an undergraduate five years back and has diligently and creatively worked towards developing a low-latency robust entropy sources. Leo all the best for your next endeavors at Qualcomm.
  • Warm welcome to our newest members – Sreeni Poolakkal, Halady Arpit Rao, Daniel Mazidi, Alexander Glenn, and Hesam Abbasi. Welcome aboard.
  • SoC Lab (thanks to the support from College of Engineering and Architecture at WSU) are now a member of NextFlex investigating flexible printed electronics for large-scale true-time-delay arrays
  • Home SoC Lab acknowledges CDADIC for their continued support to our research program that will help us further our research in true-time-delay phased arrays.
  • SoC Lab has received funding from DoD and we will be investigating high-speed links leveraging our upcoming cryogenic testbed at WSU.
  • We welcome Yuling Liu to our growing list of SoC Lab graduates. Yuling wrapped his M.S. Thesis program on DTMOS-based ultra-low-power instrumentation amplifiers for sensor interfaces and is now headed for industry in Shanghai.
  • Congratulations to our new PhD graduate Dr. Huan Hu for an excellent presentation. His ethics and hard work embodies an excellent body of work at WSU over the past few years at WSU.
  • Very happy to share the news that Huan’s most recent paper on current-controlled relaxation oscillator that replaces the ring oscillator in a VCO-based ADC has been accepted to IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems – 1 : Regular Papers (TCAS-1) (Link).
  • Congratulations to Shrestha Bansal for receiving the IEEE RFIC’21 NSF Student Conference Registration Award. We thank both NSF and RFIC for this support which covers the student registrations costs and workshop pass.
  • Congratulations to the WSU and UCLA teams working on millimeter-wave beam training for a fabulous effort towards the realization of a fast beam training technique for analog true-time-delay arrays. This work will soon be presented at IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) in September 2021. (PDF)
  • Congratulations to both Huan and Chung-Ching for their work on an ultra-low-power system-on-chip titled ” A 197.1μW Wireless Sensor SoC with an Energy-Efficient Analog Front-End and a Harmonic Injection-Locked OOK TX”  being accepted to IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems – 1 (TCAS-1).
  • Shrestha’s work on room-temperature optimization of digital circuits constructed using superconducting Josephson Junctions at 4K just got accepted to IEEE Transactions of Applied Superconductivity (TAS). This work is in collaboration with our industry collaborator Hypres. Kudos Shrestha and thank you ONR for supporting this research.
  • Big congratulations to Chung-Ching and Huan for getting their work on performance trade-offs in injection-locked transmitters at IEEE Transactions of Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
  • Our work on fast beam-training algorithms with hardware trade-offs using true-time-delay phased arrays has been accepted to IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems – 1.  Congrats to Veljko and Han who led the work from UCLA and Chung-Ching and Soumen who collaborated from WSU. (More details coming soon)
  • Congrats to Chase Puglisi for defending his thesis last semester on “Design and Implementation of Delay-compensating Spatial Filters”. Chase is now working at his first job at Texas Instruments.
  • Shrestha  Bansal was awarded the Johnson Electrical Engineering Scholarship by the WSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Congratulations Shrestha and thank you to the Johnson family, EECS and WSU for this award.


  • Dr. Gupta and the System-on-Chip Lab has been selected for the FY2021 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). With multiple collaborators across the campus from Department of Physics (Dr. Peter Engels) and School of EECS (Dr. Deuk Heo), this will enable us to further our research in the cryoelectronics space. Thank you DoD and ONR.
  • Congrats to Erfan Ghaderi for getting his work on wideband time-domain spatial signal processors accepted to the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. (Link).
  • Shrestha Bansal’s paper on neural-network based black-box optimization of cryoelectronic circuits was nominated for the best student paper award at the recently concluded Applied Superconductivity Conference.
  • NSF 4-Color Bitmap LogoSoC Lab received a four-year funding for mmWave Beam Training research to be led by Prof. Danijela Cabric’s group at UCLA and also in collaboration with ARMAG lab helmed by Prof. Deuk Heo at WSU. Thanks NSF for your support! (Link)
  • Congrats to Shrestha Bansal, Erfan Ghaderi, and Chase Puglisi for their exciting concept paper on using Neural-Networks to optimize multiple parameters in high-speed ADCs. To be posted online very soon.
  • Kudos to Chung-Ching Lin and Huan Hu for their accepted journal paper in the IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems – 1 (TCAS1) on Spur Minimization Techniques for Ultra-Low-Power Transmitters. More details will be available shortly with the final edited manuscript.
  • Systems-on-Chip Lab has received new funding support from the WA state Joint Center of Aerospace Technology and HomeInnovation (JCATI) for 2020-21. We will be leading this research on interference cancellation techniques in collaboration with ARMAG Lab at WSU.
  • Chung-Ching received the IMS/RFIC travel education grant award for participating in the IMS/RFIC conferences.
  • Chung-Ching and Huan’s paper on ultra-low-power transmitter for IoT applications has been accepted to the IEEE Radio Frequency Frequency Integrated Symposium (RFIC) to be presented in June 2020. Their paper has also been nominated for the best student paper award.
  • Erfan Ghaderi successfully defended his dissertation titled “Analog/Mixed-Signal Spatial Signal Processing for Wideband Multi-Antenna Receivers“. Congratulations Dr. Ghaderi. He is now headed to Intel in Hillsboro, OR.
  • Congratulations to Chung-Ching and Huan for their paper on ultra-low-power wireless transmitter for sub-GHz IoT applications at the IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC).
  • Congrats to Shrestha Bansal and co for their paper at the IEEE Applied Superconductivity Conference that introduces room-temperature optimization techniques for error correction of superconducting electronics (ASC).
  • SoC Lab students Erfan Ghaderi, Qiuyan Xu, and Chase Puglisi were awarded the Best Poster Award by CDADIC for their work on Integrated True-Time-Delay arrays. Thank you CDADIC for this award.
  • Congratulations to Shrestha Bansal for receiving the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) travel award. This award will help Shrestha to attend ISSCC for the first time and also represent his paper to be presented by lead author Erfan Ghaderi at ISSCC. We acknowledge IEEE SSCS for their support.
  • SoC Lab has 2 papers at ISCAS. Congrats to Collin, Joe, Quinton, and Carl for their paper on methods for testing WPT and Localization in Future Implantable Devices. Congrats to Chase, Erfan and Shrestha as well for their paper on voltage-to-time converter with high linearity.
  • Big congratulations to Leo and co for their first paper in the IEEE Trans. of Circuits and Systems-1: Regular Papers (PDF). Leo achieved this in his very first semester of the graduate program.



  • Image result for NSF CAREER logoWe are really excited to receive the prestigious NSF CAREER award (Link). We look forward to continue our exciting work on integrated wide range true-time-delay arrays for next-generation wideband communications and low-latency beam acquisition applications.
  • Congrats to Senior Design Team led by Collin Kummer with Joseph Summers, Carl Sundsten, and Quinton Lum who have won the first prize for their senior-design project in EECS titled “Experimental testbed for Ultrasonic based Wireless Power Transfer and Backscattering based Localization for Future Biomedical Implantable Devices”. A big thanks to Drs. Steve Seslar and Wayne Monsky for mentoring and for Profs. Larry Holder and Hassan Ghasamzadeh for NSF REU support to the students. (IMG)
  • Subhanshu will be serving as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems – 1 (TCAS-1) for 2020-21.
  • Subhanshu recently gave IEEE SSCS talks at Qualcomm and University of British Columbia Vancouver on integrated true-time-delay arrays using discrete-time delay compensating circuits.
  • Congrats to Erfan Ghaderi, Chase Puglisi, and Shrestha Bansal. Their paper on true-time-delay based spatial signal processor has been accepted for publication at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) to be presented in Feb. 2020.
  • SoC lab will be working with team of universities and NASA on a new space mission under NSF funded VISORS project that will employ high data-rate communication links on CubeSats.
  • We welcome Liangyu Zhang from Northeastern University (China) who will be spending a year at WSU researching on sparse signal processing algorithms.
  • Congrats to Collin and Joe for successfully wrapping up their NSF REU work modeling ultrasound based localization and power transfer mechanisms.
  • SoC Lab welcomes Leo who has decided to continue his research on true random number generators further in the EECS graduate program.
  • Congratulations to Erfan and Arya for getting their first journal paper accepted to TCAS-1. This work in collaboration with Drs. Deuk Heo and Sudip Shekhar demonstrated a novel beamforming technique for large antenna arrays.
  • SoC Lab welcomes undergraduate researchers Paige Danielson, Brenno Cruz, Colleen Kerr, Joseph Summers, Quintom Lum and Carl Sundsten. Paige and Brenno will be with us for summer’19 and the rest are with us till Dec’19.
  • SoC Lab welcome Leo Carreira who is back to WSU after wrapping up his BS program at USP, Sao Paolo. Leo will be continuing his research till Dec’19.
  • SoC Lab receives support from office of commercialization for further their research on wideband Millimeter-Wave circuits and systems.
  • Chung-Ching received the CAS Society travel award. He will be presenting his work with Huan and Siva at ISCAS’19.
  • Congrats to Erfan Ghaderi for clearing his Prelims.


  • Siva defended his MS Thesis project and is on his way to Invensense in San Jose. Congrats Siva.
  • Congrats to Huan and Tanzila for their first journal paper in IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems-1 on a fun recent project based on bio-fuel cell enabled analog signal processing.
  • Congrats Ali, Zhidong, Qiuyan for our recent work on “A Hybrid DS/Nyquist Rate Switched Capacitor Power Amplifier in 65nm CMOS” recently presented at IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
  • Congratulations to Huan, Tanzila, Chung-Ching and Profs. Su Ha and Alla Kostyukova for our paper in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems. This work titled “A 3.51μW 0.31μVrms Biofuel Cell Enabled Integrated Analog CMOS Front-End in 130nm CMOS” will be presented in October.
  • SoC Lab recently received a Cisco Faculty Research award for investigating low-power and low-latency random number generators for IoT systems.
  • SoC Lab welcomes Chung-Ching and Shrestha Bansal to the group.
  • Subhanshu was at a summer program for an ONR sponsored research for investigating energy-efficient data links.
  • Webpage for the ongoing NSF mmWave Massive MIMO award is up! (Link)
  • SoImage result for onr logoC Lab receives a grant from Office of Navy Research
  • Subhanshu will be presenting tutorial (w/ Dr. Vishal Saxena) on Compressive Sensing and Neuromorphic Computing at IEEE International Conference of Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing in April 2018.
  • Congrats to Arya, Huan for their work on Area-Efficient Serialized Walsh-Hadamard Transform Based Feature-Extraction for Information-Aware Compressive Sensing at ISCAS.
  • Welcome Qiuyan Xu who has joined Systems-on-chip Lab for her research on high-speed digital-to-analog converters.


  • Congrats to the team for a successful tapeout – more updates on this coming soon!!
  • Welcome Ji-Hyun and Anwar Haikal who will join us this summer from University of Georgia and WSU as part of the NSF-REU program.
  • Congrats to ARMAG andNSF 4-Color Bitmap Logo SoC Labs for the recent NSF award on Millimeter-Wave Multi-Beam MIMO Networks.
  • Congrats to Arya, Huan for their work on Energy Scalable Analog Front-End Using Information-Aware Compressive Sensing for IoT Sensors at MWSCAS. Also, check our recent invited paper in ISCAS on Mismatch-shaped Frequency-channelized Quadrature Data Converters.


  • Congratulations to Arya Rahimi and Huan Hu for passing their Qualifying Exam in Fall 2016.
  • Welcome Siva. Siva will be interning with us over the Fall semester.
  • Welcome Erfan to the SoC Lab group.
  • Congrats to Arya and Leo for their paper in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference “Synchronous Multi-Signal Acquisition for WBSNs using Gold-code based Joint-Compressive Sensing” (link)
  • Congrats to Huan for his paper in IEEE Sensors Conference “A Near Zero Power CMOS Relaxation Oscillator for Biomedical Applications with 19.1ppm/°C Temperature Coefficient” (link)
  • Congrats to Arya and the team for their journal paper titled “Microscale Additive Manufacturing and Modeling of Interdigitated Capacitive Touch Sensors ” in Sensors and Actuators: A Physical. (link)
  • Congrats to the team for their paper on Lomb algorithm for HRV in neonates in 2016 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biological Conference.
  • Congrats to Huan for his paper on 3D Localization using UWB in 2016 BMES/FDA Conference on Frontiers of Medical Devices.
  • Congrats to Sakire, John, Mackenzie, Huong, Luke and David for their paper on Sensor placement using Microsoft Kinect in 2016 BMES/FDA Conference on Frontiers of Medical Devices.
  • SoC Lab was selected as one of recipients of the WSU Grand Challenges Seed Grant award.
  • Welcome new team members Deepthi, Leonardo, and Bini.