Papers We’ve Produced
Keeley, A.T.H., Fremier, A.K., Goertler, P.A.L., Huber, P.R., Sturrock, A.M., Bashevkin, S.M., et al. (2022). Governing Ecological Connectivity in Cross-Scale Dependent Systems. BioScience.
Stahl, A.T., Fremier, A.K., Heinse, L., (2021). Cloud-Based Environmental Monitoring to Streamline Remote Sensing Analysis for Biologists. Bioscience 71(12): 1249–1260.
DeClerck, FAJ, Izabella Koziell, Aman Sidhu, Jonathan Wirths, Tim Benton, Lucas A Garibaldi, Claire Kremen, Martine Maron, C Rumbaitis del Rio, Michael Clark, Chris Dickens, Natalia Estrada-Carmona, Alexander K Fremier, Sarah K Jones, Colin K Khoury, Rattan Lal, Michael Obersteiner, Roseline Remans, A Rusch, LA Schulte, J Simmonds, LC Stringer, C Weber, L Winowiecki. (2021). Biodiversity and agriculture: rapid evidence review. International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).
DeClerck, F.A.J.; Koziell, I.; Benton, T.; Garibaldi, L.A.; Kremen, C.; Maron, M.; Rumbaitis Del Rio, C.; Sidhu, A.; Wirths, J.; Clark, M.; Dickens, C.; Carmona, N.E.; Fremier, A.K.; Jones, S.K.; Khoury, C.K.; Lal, R.; Obersteiner, M.; Remans, R.; Rusch, A.; Schulte, L.A.; Simmonds, J.; Stringer, L.C.; Weber, C.; Winowieck, L. (2021) A whole earth approach to nature positive food: biodiversity and agriculture. Bonn (Germany): Center for Development Research (ZEF) in cooperation with the Scientific Group for the UN Food System Summit 2021. 26 p.
Hutchinson, R.A., A.K. Fremier and J.H. Viers. (2020). Restoring hydrologic connectivity on river floodplains suppresses long term dominance of an invasive species. Restoration Ecology. 28(6) 1551-1560.
Welsh K, Keesecker L, Hill R, Joyal T, Boll J, Bosque-Pérez NA, Cosens BA, Fremier AK. (2020). Scale mismatch in social–ecological systems: A Costa Rican case study of spring water management. Sustainable Water Resources Management 6(40): 1-12.
Stahl, A. T., A. K. Fremier and B. A. Cosens. (2020). Mapping legal authority for terrestrial conservation corridors along streams. Conservation Biology. 34 (4), 943-955
Fremier, A. K., Strickler, K. M., Parzych, J., Powers, S., & Goldberg, C. S. (2019). Stream Transport and Retention of Environmental DNA Pulse Releases in Relation to Hydrogeomorphic Scaling Factors. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(12), 6640–6649.
Mejia, F. H., Fremier, A. K., Benjamin, J.R., Bellmore, J.R., Grimm, A.Z., Watson, G. A., & Newsom, M. (2019). Stream metabolism increases with drainage area and peaks asynchronously across a stream network. Aquatic Sciences, 81(1), 9.
Goldberg, C. S., Strickler, K. M., & Fremier, A. K. (2018). Degradation and dispersion limit environmental DNA detection of rare amphibians in wetlands: Increasing efficacy of sampling designs. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 695–703.
Fremier, A. K., Yanites, B. J., & Yager, E. M. (2018). Sex that moves mountains: The influence of spawning fish on river profiles over geologic timescales. Geomorphology, pp. 163–172. Special Issue on Geomorphology and Resilience for the Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium 2017.
Wood, S. L. R., Jones, S. K., Johnson, J. A., Brauman, K. A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Fremier, A., … DeClerck, F. A. (2018). Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals. Ecosystem Services, 29, 70–82.
Estrada-Carmona, N., Harper, E. B., DeClerck, F., & Fremier, A. K. (2017). Quantifying model uncertainty to improve watershed-level ecosystem service quantification: a global sensitivity analysis of the RUSLE. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management, 13(1), 40–50.
Gunderson, L., Cosens, B. A., Chaffin, B. C., Arnold, C. A. (Tom), Fremier, A. K., Garmestani, A. S., … Llewellyn, D. (2017). Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systems. Ecology and Society, 22(1), art31. SPECIAL ISSUE FROM OUR SESYNC GROUP
Jones, S. K., Fremier, A. K., DeClerck, F. A., Smedley, D., Pieck, A. O., & Mulligan, M. (2017). Big data and multiple methods for mapping small reservoirs: Comparing accuracies for applications in agricultural landscapes. Remote Sensing, 9(12).
Craig, R. K., Garmestani, A. S., Allen, C. R., Arnold, C. A. (Tony), Birgé, H., DeCaro, D. A., … Schlager, E. (2017). Balancing stability and flexibility in adaptive governance: An analysis of tools available in U.S. environmental law. Ecology and Society, 22(2), art3. SPECIAL ISSUE FROM OUR SESYNC GROUP
Ortega-Pieck, A., Fremier, A. K., & Orr, C. H. (2017). Agricultural influences on the magnitude of stream metabolism in humid tropical headwater streams. Hydrobiologia, 1–16.
Smith, M. E., Henkel, T. W., Williams, G. C., Aime, M. C., Fremier, A. K., & Vilgalys, R. (2017). Investigating niche partitioning of ectomycorrhizal fungi in specialized rooting zones of the monodominant leguminous tree Dicymbe corymbosa. New Phytologist, 215(1), 443–453.
Abelleira Martínez, OJ, AK Fremier, Z Ramos-Bendaña, SM Galbraith, S Günter, L Vierling, NA Bosque-Pérez, and JC Ordoñez. 2016. Scaling-up spatial variation in functional traits to inform ecosystem service management: assumptions and methods. Ecology and Evolution 6(13): 4359-4371
DeClerck, F., S. Jones, S. Attwood, D. Bossio, E. Girvetz, B. Chaplin-Kramer, E. Enfors, A. Fremier, L. Gordon, F. Kizito, I. Lopez Noriega, N. Matthews, M. McCartney, M. Meacham, A. Noble, M. Quintero, R. Remans, R. Soppe, L. Willemen, S. Wood, and W. Zhang. 2016. Agricultural ecosystems and their services: the vanguard of sustainability? Current Opinion in Environ. Sustainability 23:92–99.
Goldberg, C S, Turner, CR, Deiner, K, Klymus, KE, Thomsen, PF, Murphy, MA, Spear, SF, McKee, A, Oyler-McCance, SJ, Cornman, RS, Laramie, MB, Mahon, AR, Lance, RF, Pilliod, DS, Strickler, KM, Waits, LP, Fremier, AK, Takahara, T, Herder, JE and Taberlet, P 2016. Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species. Methods Ecology Evol. 7: 1299–1307
Mejia, F.H. C.V. Baxter, E.K. Berntsen, and A.K Fremier. 2016. Linking groundwater-surface water exchange to food production and salmonid growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 73(11): 1650-1660 [Special Issue on Resource Subsidies]
Benson, M.H., Lippitt, C.D., Morrison, R., Cosens, B., Boll, J., Chaffin, B.C., Fremier, A.K., Heinse, R., Kauneckis, D., Link, T.E., Scruggs, C.E., Stone, M., Valentin, V. 2015. Five ways to support interdisciplinary work before tenure. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science
Buxton, T.H., Buffington, J.M., Yager, E.M., Hassan, M.A., Fremier, A.K., 2015. The relative stability of salmon redds and unspawned streambeds. Water Resources Research 51, 6074–6092.
Buxton, T.H., Buffington, J.M., Tonina, D., Fremier, A.K., Yager, E.M., Post, J., 2015. Modeling the influence of salmon spawning on hyporheic exchange of marine-derived nutrients in gravel stream beds. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72, 1146–1158.
Cosens, B., A.K. Fremier, and N. Bankes. Chapter 14: The Columbia River Treaty and the dynamics of transboundary water negotiations in a changing environment: How might climate change alter the game? Invited book chapter. Western Water Policy and Planning in a Variable and Changing Climate. Eds. Kathleen Miller, Alan Hamlet, Douglas Kenney, Kelley Remond
Fremier, A.K, M. Kiparsky, S. Gmur, J. Aycrigg, L. Svancara, R. Kundis Craig, B. Cosens, D Goble, F. Davis and J.M. Scott. 2015. A riparian conservation network for ecological resilience. Biological Conservation 191: 29-37
Strickler, K.M., Fremier, A.K., Goldberg, C.S. 2015. Quantifying effects of UV, temperature, and pH on degradation rates of eDNA in an aquatic microcosm. Biological Conservation 183: 85-92
Bellmore, J.R., A.K. Fremier, F.H. Mejia, and M. Newsom. 2014. A mechanism-based trophic productivity model to simulate periphyton growth. Freshwater Biology 59(7): 1437-1451
Cosens, B. and A.K. Fremier. Assessing system resilience and ecosystem services in large river basins: a case study of the Columbia River Basin. 2014 Natural Resources Environmental Law. 51 Idaho Law Review 91.
Fremier, A.K., Girvetz, E.H., Greco, S.E., & Larsen, E.W. 2014. Quantifying process-based mitigation strategies in historical context: separating multiple cumulative effects on river meander migration. PLoS One. 9(6), e99736. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099736
Niemeyer, R.N., AK Fremier, R. Heinse, W. Chávez Huamán, and FA DeClerck. 2014. Woody vegetation increases saturated hydraulic conductivity in dry tropical Nicaragua. Vadose Zone. 13(1)
Hegg, JC**, BP Kennedy, and AK Fremier. 2013. Predicting strontium isotope variation and fish location with bedrock geology: Understanding the effects of geologic heterogeneity. Chemical Geology. 360: 89-98
Fremier, AK, FA DeClerck, N. Bosque-Perez, N. Estrada Carmona, R. Hill, T. Joyal, L Keesecker, PZ Klos, A Martinez-Salinas, R Niemeyer, A Sanfiorenzo, K Welsh, and J. D. Wulfhorst. 2013. Understanding spatiotemporal lags in ecosystem services to improve incentives. BioScience. 63(6):472-482
Smith, M.E., T. Henkel, J. Uehling, A.K. Fremier, Clarke, and R. Vilgalys. 2013. The ectomycorrhizal fungal community in a tropical forest dominated by the neotropical dipterocarp Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea. PloS One.
Viers, J.H., A.K. Fremier, R.A. Hutchinson, J.H. Thorne, J.A. Quinn, and M.G. Vaghti. 2012. Patterns of regional and local riparian plant diversity in the California Sacramento – San Joaquin Valley. Restoration Ecology 20(2):160-168.
Fremier, A.K. and K.M. Strickler. 2011. Topics in river structure and function. BioScience. Introduction to selected paper compilation.
Harper, E.B., J.C. Stella, and A.K. Fremier. 2011. Using ecologically meaningful sensitivity analyses to quantify complex model uncertainty: A case study of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) population dynamics. Ecological Applications. 21(4):1225-1240.
Smith, M. E., T. W. Henkel, M. C. Aime, A. K. Fremier, and R. Vilgalys. 2011. Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure on three co-occurring leguminous canopy tree species in a Neotropical rainforest New Phytologist, 192(3), 699–712
Stella, J.C., M.K. Hayden, J.J. Battles, H. Piégay, S. Dufour, A.K. Fremier. 2011. The critical role of abandoned channels in sustaining pioneer riparian forest ecosystems. Ecosystems 14(5) 776-790.
Fremier, A.K., J.I. Seo, and F. Nakamura. 2010. Downstream connectivity and fluvial export of large wood: dynamic patterns and processes in the river corridor. Geomorphology 117:33-43.
Savage, W.K., A.K. Fremier, and H.B. Shaffer. 2010. Within-population processes override the signal of a landscape influence on genetic structure of the southern long-toed salamander. Molecular Ecology. 19: 3301-3314.
Fremier, A.K., and T.S. Talley. 2009. Scaling riparian conservation efforts with river hydrology: lessons from blue elderberry distributions along four central California rivers. Wetlands 29:150-162.
Smith, M.E., G.W. Douhan, A.K. Fremier, and D.M. Rizzo. 2009. Are true multihost fungi the exception or the rule? Dominant ectomycorrhizal fungi Pinus sabiniana differ from those on co-occurring Quercus species. New Phytologist. 128:295-299
Vaghti, M.G., M. Holyoak, A. Williams, T.S. Talley, A.K. Fremier, and S.E. Greco. 2009. Understanding the ecology of blue elderberry to inform landscape restoration in semi-arid river corridors. Environmental Management 43: 28-43.
Larsen, E.W., E.H. Girvetz, and A.K. Fremier. 2007. Landscape level planning in alluvial riparian floodplain ecosystems: using geomorphic modeling to avoid conflicts between human infrastructure and habitat conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning 79:338-346.
Greco, S.E., A.K. Fremier, R.E. Plant, and E.W. Larsen. 2007. A method to track surficial patterns of floodplain chronology on a large meandering river: Analysis of land production rates and riparian vegetation distribution over land age gradients. Landscape and Urban Planning 81:354-373.
Larsen, E. W., A. K. Fremier, and E. H. Girvetz. 2006. Modeling the effects of variable annual flow on river channel meander migration patterns, Sacramento River, California, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42:1063-1075.
Larsen, E. W., A. K. Fremier, and S. E. Greco. 2006. Cumulative effective stream power and bank erosion on the Sacramento River, California, USA. Journal of the Amer. Water Resources Association 42:1077-1097.
Larsen, E.W., E.H. Girvetz, and A.K. Fremier. 2006. Assessing the effects of alternative setback channel constraint scenarios employing a river meander migration model. Environmental Management 37:880-897.