The third week of May, for group members attended along with ~1130 others the 12th PACIFIC RIM ceramics conference. Talks given by the group were:
-Fergerstrom et al, “Glass technology and use in ancient Byzantine Turkey: color, composition, deterioration, and field identification of glass at Çadir Höyük” – poster presentation
-Weaver et al (presented by McCloy), “Biodeterioration of Ancient Glasses and Implications to the Long-term Modeling of Glass Alteration,” – poster presentation
-Ahmadzadeh et al, “Role of iron in the crystallization of nepheline-based aluminosilicates,” – oral presentation
-Marcial et al (presented by McCloy), “The effect of Li addition on the crystallization behavior of Na aluminosilicate and borosilicate glasses,” – oral presentation
-Patil et al, “Effect of Rare Earths on the solubility and crystallization of Mo in borosilicate glasses for nuclear waste immobilization,” – oral presentation
Mostafa wrote a blog about the meeting which was published by the American Ceramic Society. “PACRIM12 with GOMD feeds attendees in mind and body”.
Also, later in the week, John, Mostafa, and Deepak ran into each other at the Kilauea volcano on the island.