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Group attends MRS meeting in Boston in Nov/Dec

John McCloy, Jose Marcial, and Deepak Patil attended the MRS Fall meeting in Boston in November/December.

Jose and John gave talks in the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management symposium.

Jose’s talk (with Mostafa Ahmadzadeh) was entitled, “Effect of Li, Fe, and B Addition on the Crystallization Behavior of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses as Analogues for Hanford High Level Waste Glasses.”

John’s invited talk (with Jamie Weaver et al) was entitled, “Synthesis and Characterization of 5- and 6- Coordinated Alkali Pertechnetates.”

Paper on Swedish hillforts published

The first paper reporting our project looking at the Swedish hillfort vitrified material has been published online.

Sjöblom, R., J. Weaver, D. Peeler, J. McCloy, A.A. Kruger, E. Ogenhall, and E. Hjärthner-Holdar, “Vitrified Hillforts As Anthropogenic Analogues For Nuclear Waste Glasses – Project Planning And Initiation,” International Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(6), 897-906 (2016).

Society for Glass Technology Centenary Conference

Prof. McCloy and Jamie Weaver recently attended the 100th anniversary conference of the Society for Glass Technology (SGT) in Sheffield, UK.

Their talks were on glass ceramics, technetium, and ancient glasses.

Below are some pictures of Jamie presenting to a packed room of nuclear waste scientists, and to a large auditorium in a joint session of cultural heritage glass scientists and nuclear waste glass corrosion experts.  Great job Jamie!

sgt-tc        sgt-hillfort

José Marcial was selected and attended the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (NXS), in July/August.  From their website:

The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridge’s Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources.”

Jose at NXS school

Waste Management 2016 conference proceedings published

Saehwa Chong and José Marcial published proceedings from the Waste Management 2016 conference, held in March in Phoenix, Arizona.

  1. J. Marcial, J. Kabel, M. Saleh, Y. Shaharyar, A. Goel, J. McCloy, “Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na aluminosilicates,” Proc. Waste Management WM2016, 16323 (2016).
  2. S. Chong, J. Peterson, B. Riley, and J. McCloy, “Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite,” Proc. Waste Management WM2016, 16153 (2016).