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  1. Assembling the P450 puzzle: on the sources of nonadditivity in drug metabolism

  2. The Effect of Daily Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Consumption on High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Healthy Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

  3. Probing functional interactions between cytochromes P450 with principal component analysis of substrate saturation profiles and targeted proteomics

  4. A Comprehensive Assessment of Associations between Prenatal Phthalate Exposure and the Placental Transcriptomic Landscape

  5. Quantitative Investigation of Irinotecan Metabolism, Transport, and Gut Microbiome Activation

  6. Meta-Analysis of Food Effect on Oral Absorption of Efflux Transporter Substrate Drugs: Does Delayed Gastric Emptying Influence Drug Transport Kinetics?

  7. Comparative Proteomics Analysis of the Postmitochondrial Supernatant Fraction of Human Lens-Free Whole Eye and Liver

  8. Ultrasensitive quantification of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters in small sample volume by microflow LC-MS/MS

  9. Characterization of CYP3A pharmacogenetic variation in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, targeting CYP3A4*1G allele function

  10. Potential implications of DMET ontogeny on the disposition of commonly prescribed drugs in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units

  11. Ontogeny of Scaling Factors for Pediatric PBPK Modeling and Simulation: Microsomal Protein Per Gram of Liver

  12. Ets-2 Propagates IL-6 Trans-Signaling Mediated Osteoclast-Like Changes in Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblast

  13. Ontogeny of drug-metabolizing enzymes

  14. Quantitative Determination of Cytochrome P450 Using LC-MS/MS

  15. IVIVE of Transporter-Mediated Renal Clearance: Relative Expression Factor (REF) vs Relative Activity Factor (RAF) Approach

  16. Pharmacokinetics: theory and application in drug discovery and development

  17. P-glycoprotein Substrate Assessment in Drug Discovery: Application of Modeling to Bridge Differential Protein Expression Across In Vitro Tools